Friday, August 10, 2012

August 6, 2012

Hey Family and Friends!! Sorry I totally forgot to tell you it was some weird holiday in Canada yesterday! They just make up holidays so they can have time off work....oh well I still love it here!! So here goes in telling you all about my week!! Well Monday was p-day...It wasn't very exciting as usual....but really it wasn't. With our new mission president we can play card games once the Elders play is basically Pokemon for adults. It is ridiculous. Elders are just immature 19 year old boys...But on a happy note, Rachel had her baby!! He is adorable! Then that evening we had a lesson with Byron and Corrina. They are so great! And it was a lesson taught totally by the Spirit! It was amazing! We were able to help them think seriously about getting married...and we have a tenative date for Aug 18...yes that is like next week....pray that things will work out! Tuesday we had our DDM's. It was just another opportunity for the Elders in this district/zone to show their immaturity to me. Then Amanda asked us to come to her house and help her. She fosters puppies and she just got 6 cute puppies...they are pretty cute, but it still didn't make me like animals...I definitely like babies a lot more!! But Amanda is great! Even though she can't get baptized yet, she is being a missionary. She has a friend that she wants us to meet with! She is the best example of being a member missionary! That evening we had supper with the Acido family. And then after that Shanita told us to stop-by to see some pictures of the baby! He is adorable...his name is James and I just want to hold him so bad! Wednesday was a day of service!! Those are great days! So we started off at the Trim's. They are renovating their motor home, so we helped Sister Trim get it all cleaned out. She made us lunch and it was great. Then we were able to go to the Clarks. Sister Clark broke her wrist, and can't do very much around the we were able to go and clean up her house and do all that stuff for her. Then her husband showed us his 'workshop'. He makes knives and leather goods and sells them. He has some pretty neat stuff. He also has lots of really neat guns! It was pretty fun to see all his antique guns and stuff...but it made me want to shoot some guns! Sister Stockwell has never shot a I told her she needs to come to our house and we will give her a lesson. Then that evening we had supper with the Maunds. And after that we had another amazing lesson taught totally by the spirit with the Oduneye's. We taught them about the Word of Wisdom and answered some questions they had about that. It was also great news because they want to start meeting with us regularly again! Thursday we did our weekly planning....I sure am glad that I won't have to do that for my whole life! Then we had a lesson with Cristina and her family. We watched "Finding Faith in Christ" with them. It is always nice to be reminded of all the miracles Christ performed and seeing the love He has for us! That evening we had supper with the Simmons family...who is great! Their son just returned from his mission so it was fun to compare our mission to his...Then we had a lesson with Kenzie and her family. I just love them. We talked about the importance of keeping the sabbath day holy. They also told us about some of the good events of the Olympics!! Go USA...and Canada! Of Friday morning, Sister Rees called us up and asked us to come over and help her with some things and then she would treat us to lunch. So we had a nice morning of doing service and then she took us out to lunch. The members here are so great! They do so much for us, the missionaries! After that we just did stop-bys and stuff...we were supposed to have a lesson with Josephina and her husband, but they have once again fallen off the face of the earth. But Rachel called and told us that she was home from the hospital and we could come see the baby in real life...he was even cuter!! I want to hold him so badly!! I can't wait to hold a baby again! Saturday was a very uneventful was full of tracting and stop-bys for most of the day...then that evening we had supper with Sister Smith...She is the lady that lets us wear cool hats when we eat supper with her. But that is all we did that day. Then Suday was a GREAT day!! So first of all it was church! So guess who was at church?? Well the Oduneyey's came! And Rachel decided to have the baby blessed so her and Bro. Williams were there! Bro. Williams even got to stand in the circle for the blessing!! It was such a good day at church!! But guess what it gets better! So we were sitting in Sunday School and a member comes and gets us and says "There are 3 people that just walked into the church that are looking for a new church, that live in Abbeydale." We were really happy...they were going to go to the other ward's Sacrament meeting. So we decided to stay with them in that ward and then we were going to meet with them afterward. So we were having a lesson about the Restoration with these people...1 boy and 2 girls...right in the middle of the lesson the girls got up and just we finished teaching the boy and he was really interested and said he wants to come back. It was really exciting at the time, but then we found out they are all YSA age, so the Elders are the ones that will be doing the teaching....but oh well we all play for the same team eh? Then that evening Bro. Williams invited us over for supper. Monday was p-day and it was really boring...since the Elders don't do anything except play that stupid Magic game. So we just went and picked up our mail and left! I got the package you sent!! Thanks! I loved the hot tamales...they don't have those in Canada. But we didn't do much...just went back to our apartment and wrote letters and chilled. Maybe if I get transferred somewhere else, we will have exciting p-days and actually do something... Well I am glad you had a good time at Girls Camp!! I love the memories I have from camp...and I am glad you didn't get eaten by bears! Way to go Sager on getting your Arrow of Light and winning the home run derby!! You are a stud!! Have so much fun on your trip this week!! I am sad I have to miss it...I sure do love and miss you all!! I hope you have a great week!! Love, Sister Kaitlyn Marchant Here are some pictures! 1- me and Sister Stockwell with our fun hats 2- The adorable baby!!

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