Friday, August 10, 2012

July 30, 2012

Hey family and friends!! I hope you all had a super great week!! I sure did...well wasn't extremely eventful, but I will tell you all about it anyways! So on p-day we didn't do anything. I mean nothing. We didn't even go to the church to hang out with the Elders. We thought it was pointless because they don't do anything we decided to take a nice long nap at our apartment instead. It was so refreshing! I miss taking nice naps. That evening we decided to go stop in on Byron. Guess what...they were actually home!! So we were able to visit with them and share a message with them. We don't really know why they haven't been to church or anything in forever...but they were willing to meet with us maybe we will be able to get something going. Tuesday we had DDM's and they were a gongshow as usual. We even had the Assistants show up to our meeting, but they came with great news for us!! They taught someone last week that lives in our we will get to teach them...and they have a baptism date for Aug 25. So we can't wait to teach them as well! Then instead of going to lunch with the Elders, we had lunch/ a correlation meeting with Brother Root and our ward missionaries...all 2 of them...but it was good and we were able to talk about lots of things. The rest of our afternoon wasn't very eventful or even exciting until we were finally able to get in touch with Josephina!! She is back from the Philippines and better news her husband is on leave from work because he is having eye surgery. So that means we get to teach him too = new investigator!! Miracles are starting to happen!! Wednesday wasn't very exciting...except for the fact that we had quite a few appts. So we visited with Sister Sonnenberg. Then we helped out Sister Rees for a few hours...our afternoon was spent doing stop-bys and tracting...then that evening we had supper with the Hernandez family. They are great and just returned from a trip to Mexico so they had lots of fun stories to tell us! Then that evening we had a lesson with a semi LA sister in the ward that we are trying to help so she doesn't go inactive. Thursday we had our weekly planning as usual and then that afternoon we had a lesson with Cristina and her family. We talked about was fitting because it was a few days after pioneer day...even though they do nothing to celebrate that holiday here...but it was a great lesson. That evening we had supper with the Piersons. They are both on committees for the upcoming temple, so they told us a lot about its progress and lots of other fun details about all that is going into the open house!! I can't wait! It is only 8 weeks away! Then that evening we went to see if Kenzie and Addison were home from Cardston! And they were! So we were able to have a lesson with them! We watched Pres. Monson's movie "On The Lords Errand". That is a great movie! He is an incredible man! It is no wonder that he is the prophet!! On Thursday evening there was a huge hail storm down in Cardston. It was baseball sized hail that was falling and did so much damage. Cars, houses, trailers...everything was destroyed. Even the temple has some minor damages. Friday we had a Specialized training and it was great! That afternoon we did some tracting and then Sister Trim asked us to help her organize the upcoming food drive they have every year and help her know who to ask from the ward to help out...since we know everyone she asked us to help. She also fed us dinner that evening. Saturday we spent some time at the Trim's helping in their yard again. We also did some stop-bys and we were able to set up a few appts which was nice. Sunday was church and it was a great day! There was a missionary "homecoming" and so the bishop asked us to speak with him. Things went really well!! I have given so many talks on my mission now that it doesn't terrify me which is good. And I am not gonna lie, my talk was good! Then that evening we had supper with the Lonsdale family. They are doing well and are always looking for ways to build the Lord's kingdom! They are grea! I hope you all have a great week!! I love and miss you all!! Love, Sister Kaitlyn Marchant

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