Thursday, September 6, 2012

August 20, 2012

Hey Family and Friends!! Well guess what you will never believe it...I am not getting transferred...I am staying in Chestermere...I don't know if they did any transfers with the sisters, because in just a few weeks we will all be moved to the temple area. I am happy I am still here. I love the people here. That is what happens when you serve in an area for so long. Well anyways I had a pretty great week so I will tell you all about it! Monday was p-day and it was a good day. Sister Stockwell and I didn't want to spend a lot of time with the Elders so we decided to go shopping...not that we bought anything, but it was still fun. Then we ended up at the church...and somehow the Elders talked us into playing basketball with them. It was pretty comical I am sure and we were their entertainment for the day...when everyone was getting tired, the Elders said that the next basket wins....but one of the sisters has to make the shot. So with the help of the Elders Sister Stockwell and I were going against each other...eventually I finally made a basket and won the game! It was lots of fun. Then that evening we had supper with the Root's and then a lesson with Sister Chase. So it was a great, busy day! Tuesday we had the last DDM of the transfer...and then we went to lunch. Then we had to be at our appartment so the maintenance people could come...there has been a bird stuck in the vents and they could only access it from our suite so they came and broke the bird out. Then for the rest of the day we just did some stop-bys and tracting. And then we had supper with Kenzie's family. They are so great! Wednesday we did a lot of tracting and stop-bys and NOBODY was home... no joke! I am kind of happy for summer to be over so that people will be home. And then we ran into the same thing that afternoon after lunch. So it made for a long day. Then we stopped by to see the Clarks and check and see how they were doing. We had a nice little visit with them. And then that night we had a lesson with the Oduneye's. It was another great lesson. They didn't tell us anything they wanted us to teach, so we prayed to know what we should share with them. We ended up teaching them the Plan of Salvation. It was perfect. Her mom was in the hospital and she is going to pass away soon...but after the lesson, they had a deeper understanding of the plan and were at peace. It was so neat to see the spirit teach them and help them come to an understanding of the Plan Heavenly Father has for us! I am so grateful for the plan of Happiness and it is one of my favorite things to teach people!! Thursday we had our weekly planning and it went well. Then we helped Shanita and Scott do some last minute packing and said goodbye to them. They are moving back to Texas. It will be good for them. Then we had a lesson with Cristina and her family...and I think half of the neighborhood kids were there as it was kind of a gongshow. There were lots of kids there and nobody could focus. But it was still a good lesson...we talked about the gifts of the gospel and how to share them with others! That evening we had an AMAZING dinner! We were at the Hernandez family's home! It was so much fun. They wanted Sister Stockwell and I to teach them how to make kabobs and then they showed how to make some delicous Mexican food!! So we had a really fun fiesta!! It was and evening filled with amazing food and great company! It was so much fun! On Friday and Saturday Sister Stockwell was we were in the apartment a lot. While she wasn't feeling good, it gave me lots of extra time to study!! I started to tackle the Old Testament. Why have I not read that before this?? It has so much information and great lessons to be learned! Studying is so great and I love being taught by the spirit every single day!! Sunday we had church! It was great despite there not being any investigators there...but it was still a great day at church. Some members of the ward told us of some missionary experiences they are having and it was so great! I love it when members do missionary work!! Then that afternoon we had a lesson with Sister Sonnenberg...she is the same as usual. And then after that we went to see Rachel and the baby because we hadn't seen them for awhile. When we got there Bro. Williams was starting to put together a new grill, but he was struggling so Sister Stockwell and I offered to do it. We put it together in less than 30 min! I am becoming so handy on my you would be really proud of me!! Then that evening we had supper with the Low family. They are involved with the youth celebration for the temple and they told us lots about it! It is going to be spectacular!! That evening we just did some stop-bys. Then it was Monday again...but it wasn't p-day...since it was potentially my last day in this ward we decided to visit some of my favorite people!! And Bro. Williams invited us over for lunch to have something cooked on his new BBQ since we put it together. And then we had supper with the Trim's. They are my Canadian grandparents. I sure do love them!! Well that was my week!! I hope you all have a great week! Good luck with school starting! Are you going to go to the Brigham City Temple Open house?? Well I love and miss you all! Love, Sister Kaitlyn Marchant

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