Friday, June 8, 2012

May 21

Hey Family and Friends!! Well I had a really boring week...but really it was....and it was one of the longest weeks of my life...but I will tell you all about it anyways! So Monday was p-day and nothing very exciting was just a normal p-day. That night we just did some tracting and stop-bys and then we said good-bye to Shanita because she left for Texas to go get an Elder that served here in our mission, in this area...So we said bye and wished her good luck! Tuesday we spent the morning totally deep cleaning our apartment because we had apartment inspections this week and our apartment was just liveable, but not all the way clean from when we moved in after the Elders. So it is really nice to have a really clean apartment! That afternoon we just did some more tracting and stop-bys before we went to have supper with the Leighton's. They just bought a condo in AZ so they were telling us all about their trip there and it made me a little bit jealous of the really nice weather! That night we were also able to have a lesson with the Wingrove family! They have a daughter that just turned 9 and wants to get baptized, but it is going to be tricky....1)because they don't come to church, 2) because the only night the mom is home is Tues, but the kids are always gone to different activities... so we will see how that goes... Wednesday we had apartment checks. Our apartment was sparkly clean! That afternoon we had a really long day of tracting and stop-bys...all of our regular appts canceled so it was a really long afternoon with nobody home! We were able to see Sister Santos and talk to her. She really appreciates all that we have done for her and so it is nice to see her and meet with her! We really want her to come to church! She said that maybe one day she will come to Sacrament! We would love that!! That night we had a really yummy steak dinner with the Seely family. They are great. And we ended our night with another great family...Kenzie's!! They are wonderful and always entertaining! Thursday was supposed to be a really good day...we had weekly planning and then had 4 lessons set up...guess what happened...yup they all canceled...which made for another day of tracting and stop-bys. At least we did have our dinner appt with the Butlers and their cute little girls! Friday you will never guess what we did....more tracting....yay....Rachel (Shanita's sister) invited us over for lunch and then we had a lesson with her. After that we were also able to have a lesson with the Guardado's....they really need to come back to church and say they want to, but I have decided that they just are not committed to it!! It makes me sad! Why do people turn away from the truth once they have found it?? It is just really sad! That night we decided to stop-by Josephina...she was actually home for a change! She let us in and we taught her the Doctrine of Christ and the things she needs to do to return to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. We were talking to her and things were going well and then we invited her to be baptized...this is what she said...." I can't be baptized because if I get baptized then I would be a Mormon." I don't know what we are going to do with her...just keep trying I guess and provide an environment where she can feel the spirit... On Saturday Elder Wansgard (he is a senior missionary...and yes one of his ancestors started the Wansgard grocery store in Ogden) brought a couple of Elders and the came and took a bunch of furniture out of our apartment that we didn't need! It is nice to have it all gone! He also told us that we lost the housing inspection by 1/2 a point....oh well at least our apartment is clean now...Then we had a correlation meeting with Brother Root and diss lots of tracting...but nobody was home because of the long weekend. That night we had dinner with Betty. She is a RC of about 3 years and is really great...but she really likes to talk! We were at her house for about 4 hours because we couldn't leave...she just kept talking!! I think that Sister Garner and I both only said about 20 words the entire time we were there...but oh well. She is really nice! Sunday we had ward council bright and early which meant we had to wake up early and then we had a really nice day at church! Nobody was there...because half the ward was gone and we had no investigators there, but it would have been perfect because Sacrament Meeting was all about the Gospel of Jesus Christ! So it was a nice day. That night we had supper with Brother Williams and Rachel. Of course he sent us home with tons of food. Then on Monday it was p-day again! It was just normal...but we did get an extra hour because the libraries were closed so we couldn't e-mail. We did play soccer which was fun...but every time I play sports I remember why I didn't play them...I am not very good at them. That evening we had supper with the Collette's and they are really nice. Then we just did some more tracting and stop-bys! So like I said, my week was really boring and not very much happened...We are still trying to find new investigators but haven't found any yet! I can't believe that Braydon and Colton are graduated!! It is crazy! Way to go Sager for being a stud! Keep hitting those home runs!! Well have a great week! I love and miss you all!! Love, Sister Kaitlyn Marchant

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