Friday, June 8, 2012

May 28, 2012

Hey Family and Friends!! Well guess what the Lord must have great plans for Sister Garner and I because we are both not getting transferred...we will be together in Chestermere for at least another 6 weeks!! So many things are going to be happening...I can just feel it! Are you all excited that school is out?? I bet! Lucky for you because the kids in Canada are still in school until the end of June...they only get 2 months of consider yourself lucky! Well guess what I actually had a pretty eventful week and I can't wait to tell you all about it! So Tuesday was DDM's...the last of the transfer and it was kind of a gongshow as always...Then we got to email because the libraries were closed on Monday. That afternoon we went to Sister Sonnenberg's to help her out a little bit and she wanted us to show her how to do some church things on the we were able to help her out! Then we were suppopsed to have a lesson with a PI Tiffany...but as they usually do she stood us up...then we headed out to Langdon to have supper with the Rhodes...they are an older couple and they are LA reactivation missionaries in the stake, but they told us that they are going to be putting in their mission papers to go on a mission which is neat!! Senior missionaries are the best!! Wednesday started out with a lot of tracting and equally as much rejection. But then we had a lesson with Sister Chase and we taught her the Gospel of Jesus Christ and emphasized coming to church and keeping the covenants we made at baptism. We then had supper with the Maunds and it was really yummy and then she sent us home with a whole bunch of food as well...the people in this ward really do take care of us! Then that night we were finally able to meet with the Oduneye's...they are a young LA couple and they are really busy...but guess what when we were leaving they asked us if we could meet with them every week until they are once again active in the church!! I love when people initiate meeting with you it is so great!! Thursday was a really big and busy all days should... We had weekly planning and then a lesson with Cristina and Achai. We watched the movie Legacy with them...I love that movie...after that lesson we ran to the chuch to make a couple copies and guess what brilliant thing Sister Marchant did...well I left my keys on the counter of the library and realized as we were leaving the church...well Sister Garners keys were in the locked were we supposed to get anywhere...Sister Garner went to the car just to see if it happended to be unlocked and one of the back doors opened...but then the car alarm went off... she was able to grab her keys and we were ok...but let me tell you that was quite the adventure! That evening we had supper with the Lonsdale family. They are great. And then had a lesson with and other LA/PM family, the Kingdon's. They are really nice! Then guess what we had the privledge of doing...teaching the Law of Chastity to Byron and Corrina...the ones that aren't married. We were dreading this lesson all week, but with much study and prayer the lesson went really well and hopefully they will be getting married really soon! Friday began with a long morning of tracting and stop-bys. Then that afternoon we had a lesson with Josephina. We felt like we needed to reteach her the Restoration and emphasize the Apostasy, the priesthood, and the Restoration. So we did and by the end of the lesson she was really understanding and was actually thinking and feeling the hopefully we are making some progress with her. That evening we had supper with the Garlough family. Their daughter had one of her nonmember friends over and we taught them the Restoration. He seemed really interested and hopefully something will happen there. That night we had a lesson with our favorite people! Kenzie's family!! And do you want to know how great they are?? Well last weekend they went down to MT for a vacation and guess what they brought us...American OREOS!! The Canadian oreos are really not good and it was so nice of them! They seriously are so great!! On Saturday we did some tracting and then we went out to Langdon to help a family in the ward move/unpack at their new house. Then we were able to go to a baptism of the Elders because they wanted Sister Garner to be their pianist and so we did the 10 Min 1st as well. I love baptisms...we just need to have some of our own now! Then that evening we had an adult session of Stake Conference! Those are always so great! Sunday we had Stake was a regional one and it was a broadcast from Salt Lake that went to all of Canada. It was really good. The speakers were Pres. Packer, Elder Christofferson, and someone from the Seventy, and one of the new counselors of the Relief Society. It was really good! But it was also really was just over an hour long. Then we had supper with the Stewards and as always their house reminds me of home! That evening the bishop invited us to his house for a youth fireside. It was really good and they talked about things to do to help them be able to stand up for what they believe! Monday was actually a good non p-day Monday and we were busy with lots of appts. That is so wonderful that Grandma has decided to go on a mission! She will be a great missionary! It really is the best feeling in the world to be involved in the Lord's work! Congrats to B-Rad, Elizabeth, and Colton on graduating!! I can't believe they are all old enough to be graduated! And way to go Sager! You are such a stud!! Keep up the great work! Hit a couple homeruns for me!! Have a great first week of summer everyone! I love you all so much! Love, Sister Kaitlyn Marchant

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