Wednesday, July 11, 2012

July 2, 2012

Hey family and friends!! How was your week? I hope it was good!! Have a great 4th of July tomorrow...I will be celebrating in spirit! Well we had a pretty good week so I can't wait to tell you all about it!! Monday was just a normal p-day...we did all of the normal stuff. But we also decided to bake treats for the Elders for our last DDM of the transfer cause we are just nice like that. Being at the church with the Elders was quite boring as well because they don't do anything. But then we had supper with the Leavens family! That sure was fun and exciting. Then we got to have FHE with Shanita, Scott, Kenzie, and Addison! It was a blast!! We provided the lesson and then we had smores for a treat and then went to the park and played a little bit for our activity. It was lots of fun!! Tuesday we had our usual DDM...but it was the last one of the transfer. Right when we were done and walked outside, it started pouring rain and didn't stop all day!! This has been the rainiest spring they have had in over 5 years...well you can imagine how fun tracting and doing stop-bys in the pouring rain was....NOT...but don't worry we perservered...we did find some potential investigators which was exciting. We also were able to have visit with Sister Rees and then had supper with the Simmons family. They are wonderful! Wednesday we started off at Sister Sonnenberg's house to do some service for her and help her get ready for her brother's arrival in a few days. Then guess what we did...tracting...but at least it was sunny! Trust me it makes it a lot more enjoyable....well as enjoyable as tracting can be. We were able to have a visit with Sister Royer and she is great! Her daughter got baptized this week which was exciting. Next we had a lesson with Sister will never guess, but she went out of town again this weekend! One day she will be here to come to church! That evening we had supper with the Doll family and they have a cute little family. That evening we just did some more stop-bys and stuff. Thursday was weekly planning. Then that afternoon we had a lesson with Cristina and Achai. About a week ago, Achai asked us if she could bear her testimony in church. Of course we said she could, but she was a little bit nervous. So we decided to have a lesson about testimonies and to practice bearing our testimonies. They all have sweet testimonies and they are such an amazing family! Then that afternoon we helped a LA/PM family move into our ward. They were really nice and appreciated the help. They moved into Langdon which is very inconvenient for us because it is now July which means half km month...we already didn't have adequate km's to go to Langdon very often so I don't know how we will ever get there this month...oh well we will figure it out. That evening Sister Rees invited us over for supper. She is great. Her daughter attends our ward because it is at 9 and her daughter naps at 12:30...but she also just had a baby and her husband recently left her. It is so sad and she could really use some help. So we called to get permission to leave our area to help her out. But our area is falling apart...all of our investigators are falling off the face of the earth! We still haven't talked to Byron or Josephina...we really are trying to find new investigators, but haven't found any of the elect yet. On Friday we were able to go and help Breena...Sis Rees's we just did a bunch of stuff to help her out. Then the Elders gave us our mail...and I got some letters from some of my favorite people!! Thanks! They really mean a lot! Keep them coming! Getting mail really brightens your day when you are a missionary! Then we had to make some copies at the church. We then stopped by to see Kenzie for Daily contact and she seemed a little down. So we tried to cheer her up by playing "Stay on the Path", her and Addy loved it! Then we had supper with Bro Williams and Rachel that evening. Friday was also the day that President and Sister Archibald left and President and Sister Nicholas arrived in Canada! I sure will miss the Archibalds, but I am looking forward to also getting to know President and Sister Nicholas! On Saturday we did a bunch of tracting and the people weren't very nice that day...ususally they are. Then that afternoon we were able to go to Katelyn Royer's baptism. It was a really special day for her and the spirit is always so strong at baptism's! Then that evening the Simmons invited us over for supper because we didn't have a dinner appt. so that was nice. And last but not least we had a lesson with Kenzie where we went over the BI questions and played 'Stay on the Path' again because they love it! Happy Canada Day on Sunday!! It was a great day! I sure do love Canada! We had a great day at church and it was a great testimony meeting. Achai bore her testimony and she did such a good job and she was so confident! I was so proud of her. Also it made my day when Sister Leavens bore her testimony on the Sister Missionaries! It made me feel like the people here really do love us and appreciate the work we are doing! After church we had a lesson with Kenzie and then went and studied and did some tracting and then they invited us over for dinner with them as well. So it was a good day. Monday was p-day again! And guess what we actually did something different!! It was so fun too! We played baseball with our zone!! I haven't played baseball in ages...and I actually did pretty good...well when I was batting...playing in the field was a different story. But it was so much fun! Besides the getting eaten alive by mosquitos part...but it was worth it. Then we went to a BBQ for Canada Day at the Badick's. They are such a nice family as well! Well I hope you all have a great week!! We have transfers next there might be a change coming...I hope you all had lots of fun in St. George! Have fun! I love and miss you all like crazy!! Love, Sister Kaitlyn MarchantHere are a few pictures! They are of us playing baseball...proof that I actually played Also me cutting the grass in a skirt...that is how we do things as sister missionaries And also having fun at the park And celebrating Canada Day in style!

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