Sunday, April 29, 2012

April 23, 2012

Hey Family and Friends!!! How are you all doing?? Not gonna lie, we had a pretty boring/average week as missionaries...but that is okay because we are still involved in the greatest work in the world...saving souls!! I hope you all had a good week though!! Well because it was transfers we had piday on Tuesday so it was a good day...we didn't do anything out of the ordinary...just the usual. But that night when we were going to our dinner appt. we had a fun adventure getting lost...I swear I followed all the directions they gave us but we ended up at the wrong end of the road...It doesnt' help that lots of people live on acreages and don't have real makes things really confusing...but funny story...we were at the house that we thought we were supposed to be was yellow, had lots of cars in the driveway, and a big dog...well we were praying in the car about to get out when the phone was the member and she asked us if we had gotten lost. I said "No, we are here in the driveway about to come it." She said well I don't see you...this is when we found out we were at the wrong end of the street...there was a house that fit her description perfectly...but don't worry we eventually found the right house. Moral of the story...people just need to have real addresses to their houses. Wednesday we did some service for Sister Sonnenberg again and had a lesson with another LA sister in the ward as well. That night we had supper with Kenzie and her family and then a lesson!! I love that family so much! They are so GREAT!! Thursday was just weekly planning and then we had a lesson with Cristina and Achai. We decided to watch the Testaments with them because we have taught them a lot in the last couple of weeks...the church movies are really funny and cheesy...I never realized this until I became a missionary and those are the only movies we are allowed to watch...I also have them all of course we quote them all day long and they become even cheesier...But they are fun. That night we had supper with the Simmons family and they are wonderful. They are the family that have the great daughter Destiny that is a wonderful missionary! Then that evening we had a really neat experience. Did I tell you about the deaf family last week?? Well anyways we got a referral for a couple that is deaf and they have a son that is hearing who is in grade he is probably 7...well we had an appt with them and all week we worked hard to find someone to come with us that could interpret what we were saying...well we couldn't find anyone that could come with us that night so we decided to watch the Restoration in ASL...because did I mention they are from they don't really read English and the movid doesn't have Vietnamese our best option we thought was ASL...well that is when we found out that they don't really know ASL...they know Vietnamese sign they said they were able to understand a little bit of it, but not very much...but they did recognize the spirit. They wouldn't set up another appt with us because we can't really communicate with each other. But they do have a Book of Mormon in Vietnamese and she said she is studying it with one of her friends. So now we have the task to find an interpreter that knows English so they can translate it to Vietnamese sign language...quite the task...but we pray for it everyday...somehow Heavenly Father will help us so we can teach His children!! On Friday and Saturday we had a couple of really long days of tracting and stop-bys. We did do some service for a single sister in the ward which gave us something out of the ordinary to do...But we had a few long least the weather has been super nice...minus the we have been able to be outside walking around...bonus is that it is also some extra exercise!! But really the weather has been really nice the last few days!! It has been about 17-20 C...and today it is supposed to be 27 C!! So happy for warm weather!! Sunday we had church and we were asked to help out in primary to teach the children about the people of Limhi and the people of Alma. It was pretty fun to be with all the children...did I tell you that is one of the hardest things about being a missionary...not being able to hold babies or little is hard! That day for supper we were invited to the Quaife's and we were excited...when we got there it was more like a ward gathering...I swear half the ward was there and it was a big potluck meal thing...But it was lots of fun to be with a lot of the members of the ward. That night we just did some tracting and stop-bys to follow up with some people...You would think we would have lots of investigators to teach hey? We are still waiting for all of them...but we will keep looking for them! Well I hope you all have a great week!! Hopefully it is nice warm weather wherever you are!! Happy Birthday to Colin! Hope you have a great day!! And way to go Sager!! You are such a stud! Keep up the great work! I love and miss you all!! Love, Sister Kaitlyn Marchant

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