Tuesday, April 3, 2012

February 5th letter
Hello Family and Friends!!

Another week come and gone! Can you believe it?? Where is the time
going? Well this week wasn't super exciting and not very much
happened, but I will tell you all about it anyways!
So Monday...p-day...but nothing exciting happened. We just did the
usual stuff...you would think missionaries would be more exciting, but
we are not. But since it was transfers the week before we had lots of
new missionaries to get to know!
Tuesday was DDM's...I can't lie...I totally missed Elder Heap's
gongshow DDM's, but our new DL Elder Wilde is pretty neat too...he is
actually Elder Heap's "son". We didn't really have any appts so we
just did a lot of stop-bys until we had supper with the Carters! They
are so great! And I totally miss them in church...they just got called
to the YSA ward...so we don't really get to see them very much
anymore. That night we went to the Wood's house...the really great
couple that reminds me of Grandma and Grandpa Gottfredson...and they
gave us a belated Christmas gift. They also offered to take us to the
temple sometime, so hopefully we will be able go go soon!!
Wednesday was just service and we had lots of appts set up, but what
always happens to us...they ALL canceled!! So we ended up doing lots
of stop-bys, but we were able to get a few lessons and contact some
potential investigators.
Thursday we taught a few lessons in between all of our weekly
planning. They were to Beau and Michelle the recent converts. We had
dinner with a very awkward family that night...but seriously it was so
awkward...we talked more to their kids that are 3 and 2 than we did to
the parents! It was weird...and then get ready for this funny
story...so for dessert we were having pie. She had just found it in
her freezer so she was cooking it and then when it was ready and she
was cutting into it...it was not a dessert pie at all...it was a
chicken pot pie!!! It was hilarious!
Friday was another repeat of Wed...where all our lessons cancel and we
do lots of stop-bys...but we did contact a referral we got...they are
a golden family. The husband is LA and they just had a baby. They had
been talking to someone and said that when the baby was born they
wanted to get it blessed and then come to church! So we went and
visited them and seriously they had one of the most adorable babies I
have ever seen!! And it was TORTURE to not be able to hold him! I
think that is one of the hardest things about being a missionary...not
being able to hold childern and babies! So we are excited to be able
to help them and teach them! Hopefully soon!!
Then Saturday rolled around and we didn't have a single lesson...but
it was a gorgeous day outside so we did as much walking as we could
and did some tracting and stop-bys we found a couple potential
investigators and got a coulple lessons so it ended up being a pretty
good day!
Sunday...one of the best days of the week...was really great! We had
church...in one of the wards we got a new ward mission leader and we
were shocked because we love Bro Byrne and he was really good at
helping us, but our new one will be good too. Also we taught the
Gospel Essentials class. So church was pretty good. Then we went to
the Vance's house to have lunch and also to practice a song that we
are going to sing in church next week. And then we went to choir
practice which was pretty fun! Then came dinner with the Ruddy's. They
are fun.
So it was a pretty boring week for me! It was a super long one because
we didn't have very many appointments...but we didn't focus on setting
up appointments the week before because we were so focused on
Dora...we weren't able to talk to her at all this week...but we did
find out some interesting information...she is a chiefs daughter in
Ghana and they are having some disputes so things are kind of crazy
there...but I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for her!! So things
will work out!!
Congrats to the Hardy family...missionaries are the best!!! And also
to Ben...way to go with the football thing! And of course to B-rad as
well! Have fun in college!! Of course Sage is still a stud! Keep being
the best basketball player out there!! Good luck to Grandpa this week!
I will keep praying for you! Also go Jazz!!
I love being a missionary! It is so great!! Hopefully next week will
be more exciting!! But I hope you all have a great week!! Thanks for
all your love, support, and prayers!! Love ya!!

Love, Sister Kaitlyn Marchant!

The picture is of me and the lame family picture I drew for a lesson
we sometimes teach...don't look too close at the picture, because I am
in the process of making a better one! I will send you a picture of
that next week when it is all finished!

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