Tuesday, April 3, 2012

March 6
Hey Family and Friends!!!

Oh my goodness we had such a great week!! I can't even wait to tell
you all about it!! But first things first...I am getting
transferred...I am kinda sad! But my new companion is Sister
Garner...I don't know her...and our new area is Chestermere...it is in
the East part of the city. We are both new to the area so we will be
purging it. Fun eh? Just pray for me...Well now let me tell you all
about my amazing week!!
So Monday was just normal. We had p-day and it was great. We had
dinner with they great Mandin family and they are wonderful. That
night we just did some stop-bys.
Tuesday we had DDM's and lunch. So things were good. Then we had a few
member lessons. One cool thing was that we had a lesson set up with a
family so we went and they weren't home. I felt like we should go
visit a potential investigator that lived across the street. So we did
and they PI wasn't home, but when we were walking away from their
house...guess who we ran into...the Bennett family. They had been on a
walk and were on their way home. So we were still able to have a
lesson with them which was great!! We also had dinner with the Romeril
family who have adorable children! So it was a great day. We just did
some stop-bys that night and were able to set up a few appts.
Wednesday was a day full of miracles!! So first we did service and
stuff. Then we had a lesson with Tara-Anne. We taught her how to
listen to the Book of Mormon online and then read with her. A really
neat thing about that lesson was that when she prayed at the end of
the lesson the Spirit was actually there...it hasn't really been there
before that. So that was neat! After that lesson it was our daily
stop-by of Dora. She of course wasn't home so as we were walking back
to the car we were asking ourselves if we sould give up on her or
what. When we got in the car I decided that we should call her. She of
course didn't answer, but when I got done leaving her a message, our
phone was ringing! It was Dora!! She told us she was really busy and
that she would call us back when we could meet with her...but she
still hasn't...but it was definitely an answer to our prayers and our
questions as to if we should give up on her! Well this day continued
to be great!! So next we went to visit a potential investigator
family...Yom and Jackson...we tracted into them a few weeks ago and we
were able to set up an appt to meet with them...well after that we had
5 min until we went to our next plans so we decided to do some
tracting. I told Sister Brower to pick a door. We knocked on it and we
met Chelsey. She is from an Indian Reserve. She invited us in right
then and we taught her Lesson 1!!! It was so great! That has never
happened to me on my mission!! So it was amazing! She wouldn't set up
a return appt, but told us to come back later this week. And then that
evening we had 3 member lessons!! It was a day filled with greatness!!
It is days like that when I totally LOVE being a missionary!
Thursday was another good day too...so we had lunch with Helen which
went well...we had a very simple basic lesson so things didn't get out
of control. Then we did service for Sister Cramp. We cleaned her house
for her. It was nice to be able to do something out of the ordinary.
After that we had an amazing lesson with Jiro...our new investigator.
He is so solid!! And that evening we had dinner with a great family
and then a lesson with Ryan and Amanda!
Friday we did our weekly planning and then had dinner with the
Dillings. But the highlight of that day was our lesson with Jackson!!
Yom was trying to sleep because she had to work at night...they are
from South Sudan and have 2 kids...Aritra and Mabir. They are such a
great family and when I asked Jackson how he felt as we were teaching
him he said "I feel like I want to learn more." That is what
missionaries dream of!! It was so neat! We have an appt to teach them
later this week.
Saturday was just a normal day filled with lots of stop-bys. We had
correlation with Bro Greep and then dinner with the Cells. They are
the ones from the Philippines and they made us real Philippino food!!
It was so DELICIOUS!!!! Then we had a lesson with Mark. It was not a
great lesson and they are not progressing at all...so we will probably
drop them this week.
Sunday was church which was great, but we had no investigators at
church which was a bit discouraging. But that afternoon we had lunch
with the Vance's...I love them so much! And then we had dinner with
the Fairbanks.
Monday was a long day...to be honest I was dreading it a little bit.
So we didn't have anything set up so we did a bunch of stop-bys, but
we were able to get a few lessons which made the day a lot better. We
had dinner with the James family...the ones that were plucked from the
ocean a few weeks ago...it was lots of fun and great to hear all their
So that was my week! It was a really great week to leave this area
with...I am really going to miss this area it was the best and has
some great people and families!! And there is so much going on, but
Sister Brower will take care of all the people I love!!! Well I hope
you all have a great week!! I love you all so much!!

Love, Sister Kaitlyn Marchant

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