Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Happy President's Day!
Hey Family and Friends!!

How grateful I am to be a member of this true church to have the
knowledge we have of the Plan of Salvation! To know that we will be
with our families forever!! I know that Grandma Gottfredson is in a
better place! And that she was needed on the other side!! I didn't
have a very eventful week...it was actually a pretty boring missionary
week but don't you worry, I will tell you all about it anyways!!
So Monday was p-day and it was just a normal p-day...but the good
thing was we were busy that night! We had 3 appointments with a couple
member families and then Ryan and Amanda! It was great! Being busy as
a missionary is the best.
Tuesday was Valentines day! It was just a normal day though...we had
our District Meeting and then went to lunch. We did a couple of
stop-bys, but luckily we had a few appointments set up that evening!
Which was great! Because you know how much I love tracting....actually
hate....but tracting in the dark is even worse!!
On Wednesday we had service and had a couple lessons. One with a
member and another with Tara-Anne. Mark wasn't there and it turned out
to be great!! We were able to really talk with her and she brought out
a few more concerns. She really needs the gospel in her life...well
lets be honest everybody does...but she would just be so much
happier!! So we will keep working with her! Mark went on the Deacon's
winter camp where they build snow forts and sleep in them...ya that
would be my worst nightmare...you all know how much I love
nature...but he had a lot of fun! He needs lots of fellowship from the
ward and needs to build relationships with some of the members...so
hopefully he was able to do that at this camp. That evening it was New
Beginnings and we had invited Dora's daughters Selma and Cristabel to
come...only Selma ended up coming, but she had lots of fun and was
able to learn all about the Young Women's program. She met a lot of
the girls in the ward and hopefully we will be able to teach her
sometime this week! I know that Dora's family is totally prepared to
be baptized!! When one of them is finally baptized the rest of them
will follow!!
On Thursday we had weekly planning broken up with lunch with our
favorite crazy less active...Helen...I almost lost it in that lesson!
I couldn't sit there and listen to her bash the church and the
priesthood leaders and everything else...so I flat out told her she
was wrong...I don't remember very much of it because I was so mad, but
luckily I have a GREAT companion Sister Brower and she saved the
lesson! How grateful I am for her! That evening we had a few lessons
with some members...
Friday we had service again and then a lesson with Tara-Anne...we are
trying to go a couple of times a week to read the Book of Mormon with
her because it is hard for her to read and comprehend so hopefully
this will help...But it was a good lesson and we read 2 Nephi 32 with
her about the Spirit and all the things the spirit can do for us. That
afternoon and evening we had a whole bunch of stop-bys. We didn't have
a ton of luck...and most of them were potential and former
investigators, but with it being a holiday weekend, nobody was home or
they were doing other things. So it was a long day!
On Saturday it was kind of a repeat of Friday...with a lot of stop-bys
and to make things all better I felt so sick! It was not fun...so
finally we called the Elders and they gave me a blessing and I felt so
much better that evening and the next day! The priesthood is so
REAL!!! I have such a strong testimony of the priesthood! It is God's
power and it is on the earth!! How lucky are we!
Sunday was just a normal Sunday with church and correlation and a
couple of lessons. Nothing too exciting...
Sorry I forgot to tell you I wouldn't email you til Tuesday...In
Canada they like to copy the states and they had a holiday yesterday
too...it was Family Day...basically just an excuse not to have to go
to school and work. But it was p-day and we had a lot of fun!! It was
an extra long p-day because we didn't have to e-mail and we didn't
have a dinner appt so we got a full p-day! So we played volleyball and
basketball and then we played the funnest game!! It was called Mission
Impossible! We played in the church gym and it was totally dark with a
bunch of different tables and other objects to hide behind all around
the gym. At one end of the gym there was someone with a spotlight. The
object of the game was to get from one end of the gym to the other
without getting caught by the spotlight! It was fun and we kept making
it harder by taking away things to hide behind...but I would totally
reccommend doing it for a Mutual activity or something!
Well like you can tell it wasn't a very exciting week! But sometimes
we have those! Dad I hope your botox works better this time and that
you feel better! Good luck with all your activites for the week! I am
so grateful to be a missionary and I love you all so much!! Thanks for
all your love and support!! Have a great week!!

Love, Sister Kaitlyn Marchant

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