Sunday, April 29, 2012

March 26, 2012

Hey Everybody!! Did you all have a great week?? I sure do hope so! My week was kind of just a normal missionary week, but thats ok! I am involved in the BEST work in the world! So on Monday it was p-day and we didn't do anything extra special...Just the same old stuff...but it is still fun! We need the relaxing time! Tuesday was our DDM's and wasn't too excitng...and the Elders are still adjusting to being around Sisters...but maybe by the end of the transfer they will have adapted. We had a day filled with stop-bys and tracting before we had a lesson with Christina. She is so great! We taught her the Plan of Salvation and she asked us some really good questions! Another great thing about her is that she is already starting to work on her family history!! And there is a lot of work to be done because she is the first member in her family to be baptized...we are still waiting for her daughter, Achai, to be there so we can invite her to take the lessons because she is 9 and comes to church every week etc...she just needs to be baptized! That evening we had dinner with the Acido family, who is from the Philippines!! There are a lot of people from all over is one huge Melting Pot...But of course they made us really good food. On Wednesday we just did a whole bunch of tracting!! We have met all the members that live in Calgary (where we live), most of the members that live in Chestermere (about 10 km away) and some of the members that live in Langdon (about 35 km away). But it is hard to meet all of them because we can't go to those places everyday because we are only allowed to drive 1700 km a month!! It is ridiculous so we are trying to petition for more km's...and we might get some because they like Sisters...and they like to take care of us! That day we had a couple lessons with some LA members and also some lessons with a few members. Nothing too exciting... Thursday was weekly planning and it took us a big chunk of time...but after we were done with our planning, we were able to go into the city to get our car fixed...for the 3rd time...but finally they had the right part and they fixed it for us!! We also went to Langdon that day and we had a few appts set up, but they all canceled!! So that was a little bit least they rescheduled and we were able to set up a few more which was good! Friday was a freezing cold day and guess who had absolutely nothing set up...thats right what were we doing all day...tracting...not fun in the cold! But sometimes being a missionary is hard, because the Atonement was hard...that is what keeps us going...We did find a lot of potential investigators and set up some lessons with them for this coming week which we are so excited for!! We also were able to have a lesson with a potential investigator we tracted into last week...her name is April and she is from the Philippines. She was really accepting, but she didn't set up a return appt. But she did say she was interested in us coming we will try back! We were also able to finally have a lesson with our investigator Kenzie. We taught her the first lesson and when we invited her to be baptized she said yes!! She said she was ready!! We were so excited! The only thing was that she didn't commit to a firm date because she has to ask her uncle in Cardston when he can come baptize that is her homework because she is down there for Spring Break this week! So we are going to have a baptism soon!! On Saturday we did some tracting in the morning and absolutely nobody was home...I don't think we talked to one person in 2 hours...the white handbook says Saturdays are the best time to tract and find people home...not the case for us!! Oh well we still did it! That afternoon we were able to go to the baptism for some of the Elders. We went because we did the 10 min 1st lesson while they were changing after the baptism. It was a really good baptism and the spirit was so strong!! I love baptisms because the spirit there is so wonderful...also on a side you remember Jairo from my last area?? He got baptized too!! I am sad I missed it, but obviously the Lord needs me her for some reason! Anyways that night we had a few lessons and it was a good day! Sunday was so great!! Church was exceptionally good! All the talks were wonderful and we even had more non-members in church...nothing has happened with the ones that were there last week yet, but we are still trying...but the ones that came this week were a result of a 7DC!! The members are starting to get excited about missionary work which is so great!! That night we had dinner with the Steward family that reminded me so much of our family so it was great and I felt right at home!! Being a missionary is so great!! I love the work!! I am so excited for General Conference this weekend!! We are so lucky to have a prophet to tell us the things that our Heavenly Father wants us to know!! Pay attention to the things he tells us!! I hope you all have a super great week!! I love and miss you all!! Love, Sister Kaitlyn Marchant

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