Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy Birthday Elder Henrie

1- My district with E. Henrie and his cake
2- Me and Sister Hayes with our cute tiny Christmas Tree

Hello Family and Friends!!

How was your week? I had a pretty good week, but it was very slow and long with not very many appointments. But it was ok. I will tell you all about it! So Monday was p-day! We didn't do anything exciting. Just the usual...getting everything we need to done and then go to the church to spend time with other missionaries and write letters!! That night we had dinner with a part member family. They have a son on a mission, but the husband doesn't want to learn more until his son comes home. Crazy, but oh well. Tuesday was an ok day. We had district meeting and then we all went out to lunch at Tony Roma's. It was pretty good...and a great district bonding time! That afternoon we did my favorite wasn't exciting at all. We had dinner with a fun older couple from England. They were pretty great! That night we taught Mark...I don't know what to do with this kid...he still wants to be baptized catholic! Why?!? We told him he needs to be baptized by the Priesthood authority and that our church is the only church that has that authority....isn't it an obvious decision? Well he still wants us to come and teach him so we will continue to try and help him. On Wednesday we got a good snowstorm. Our car is not fun to drive in the snow...we did our service and then we did more stop-bys...everyone is too busy or sick. In the afternoon we met with Jason P. and just answered a bunch of his questions. We had dinner with a crazy family. Their kids were off the could have been because the missionaries were there, but they were out of control! But it was fun. Then we had an appointment with an older couple from England. They are raising their 2 granddaughters and it was fun to get to know them. That is one of the best parts of being a missionary...getting to know lots of different people! Funny story for the day...when we were out tracting, I was driving so Sister Hayes was my navigator. So all the streets here are basically named the same Erie Cres, Erie Rd, Erie Dr, we thought we were at the right house, so we went to talk to the people that lived there, but it was not the right house!! It was the right house number but not the right street!! This happened TWO different times just in that day!! It was pretty exciting. Thursday was planning day. At lunch time we went out to lunch with our district to a yummy Italian restaurant. While we were planning we made a cake and cupcakes because it was Elder Henrie's (ZL) birthday on Friday. So we were going to surprise him with a cake. Well he is from Manti and likes to hunt, so the other elders wanted to make the cake look like a deer so we let them make it look like a deer. It actually turned out really good! We had a dinner appointment and one other appointment with a member family, but they were just normal member lessons. We tried to stop by Brandon's house...the kid from last week...but he wasn't home. Friday was one of the LONGEST days ever!! We had service and then all day we tried to visit Potential and Former Investigators, but nobody was interested. We were supposed to surprise Elder Henrie with his cake, but he didn't have time to come to the church...that was pretty disappointing. That evening we had a correlation meeting with one of the Ward Mission Leaders. Saturday was a great day however! We took Elder Henrie his cake and he LOVED it!! Do you remember the lady that gave me that bracelet...? Well when we were done delivering his cake, we helped her clean her house and get ready for an open house she was having at her house that afternoon. I haven't been able to clean like that for a long time so it was actually very relaxing. I know I am weird! So then we took Ryan and Amanda to a baptism so that Ryan could see what it was like and what happens...but guess what...the zone leaders forgot to inform us that the time had changed to 2 hours by the time we got there it was over!! We were disappointed, but we did show Ryan the font and answered some of his questions. That night we had Stake Conference! We got a new Stake Presidency so Elder Evans and Elder Deshler from the Seventy were both there. That night we got like 6 inches of snow!! So now we actually have a lot of snow! On Sunday it was the general session of Stake Conference and it was great! Sister Hayes and I were standing by the door greeting people when Elder Evans came in so we got to shake his had and meet him!! Then later in his talk he said he was greeted by sister missionaries and that elders are great, but there is just something about sister missionaries! It was pretty exciting. We had a few appointments that afternoon before we went to the Christmas Devotional!! It was really good! If you didn't get to see it watch it online!! The movie they showed about Christ was so great!! I love listening to our Prophet and the other General Authorities!!
So that was my week...not too extremely exiting! So just for a heads up next week is transfers so I will be emailing on Tuesday and also I found out about phone calls on Christmas...So you can call me anytime between 10-2 on Christmas I can talk for 45 min so I need you to tell me what time works best for you so I can coordinate with my companion! I will give you my phone number the week before so you can call!!
Tell Grandma and Grandpa that I love them and they are definitely in my prayers! And also tell them thank you for the $! Sage is still a stud even though they didn't win!! He is the best! Way to go B-Rad...becoming quite the ladies man are ya?? Keep it up!! Thanks Mom and Dad for sharing that scripture with me! It really made my day!! Well I hope you all have a great week!! I love and miss you all!!

Love, Sister Kaitlyn Marchant!

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