Monday, January 2, 2012

December 13, 2011


Oh my what a week I had!!! I can't wait to tell you all about it!! Are you ready because a lot happened and it was a crazy week!! Well here goes...So last monday was obviously p-day...which is one of the greatest days...but anyways we did just the same old stuff that we do basically every week. You would think we would get more creative, but it is nice to spend time with other missionaries. But I wrote a lot of letters so that was good. We had dinner with a fun family and she made cafe rio salad for dinner and it was delicious...not as good as yours mom, but it was pretty good. They have the cutest kids ever. On Tuesday we had DDM's which was great and sad at the same time because half of my district is going home this week so it was sad to have to say goodbye! But we went out to luch at Tony Romas again and it was fun. That afternoon we had a few appts with Members so it wasn't extremely exciting. But funny story from DDM...when we were outside we started to have a snowball fight and one of the Elders threw a snowball aimed for another elder, but he ducked and it hit sister Hayes right in the eye. He felt so bad...I had to tell you this because there is a follow up story to on Wed we did our service and then since Sister Hayes hadn't been feeling well for the last few days we met the Elders so they could give her a blessing. We had the great idea to give her a 'black eye' from the snowball. So with makeup we gave her a pretty good shiner! When the elders saw they freaked out and totally thought it was real!! It was hilarious!! I don't know how they believed us because we were both laughing so hard!! Then we had a few lessons. Our dinner appt for the night canceled so we decided to go out to dinner! We went to a yummy Chinese Restaurant. Then that night we taught Mark and not much is new with him. Thurs was planning day ans we had a few lessons with members. We also contacted a referral which was nice. That evening we went to the Relief Society Christmas party which was fun. That night we were praying and our phone was the Assistants...we were really scared for this call...but we found out that I...Sister Marchant... and training a new Sister!! I am so scared and super nervous and I have to leave Sister Hayes. I will be in the same area and she is getting transferred. I am so scared so PLEASE pray extra hard for me!! I am most sad to leave Sister Hayes...we have become great friends and it feels like I have been with her forever! On Fri we got together with a bunch of missionaries and we had breakfast with them. Then we had to go to the Trainers Training meeting for the rest of the day. It was very informational and gave me a lot of courage for the upcoming weeks. That night we went to one of the wards Christmas parties. We had a yummy turkey dinner. Saturday we helped Amanda wrap all her Christmas presents!! It was so much fun and it reminded me of wrapping all those reindeer presents! Can't lie I actually miss it!! Then we had a few lessons and went to the other wards Christmas Party and had another turkey dinner. They had a fun party and they had desserts from all over the world! It was cool. We left the party a little early to go teach a new investigator...her name is Dora. We taught her the restoration and she has a baptismal date set for Jan 7 so hopefully that will really happen. I have the faith that it will! Sunday was a fun day too. Of course it was church so it was obviously a good day. We had some lessons with some amazing families! and then we went to the church for the stake choir festival. All the wards in the stake sang Christmas songs! It was really good. That night we made some yummy treats for Monday. On Monday it was weird for it to not be it was like a normal day for us! We had lunch with a LA member and that was good. She even came to church on Sunday which was great! We had a few appts with members and then we had a district dinner. We had steak and other yummy things. We made a dessert that Elder Narayan could have because it didn't have milk....we made black bean brownies and they were actually really good. You never would have guessed they had beans in them. We also made the yummy mix you sent me that we always make at Christmas time. It was fun! We had a lesson with Ryan and Amanda last night! Things went really well, but he still didn't set a date...but it can only be a matter of time because he is sooo ready!! It was hard to say goodbye to them!! But I will still be here to teach them and help them!!
I love being a missionary, but I can't wait for Christmas!! I have been counting down for over a month! I can't wait to talk to you! I will give you my phone number next week in my email so you can call me. So I have church at you think you could call at like 12:30? that would probably work better.
I am glad everything is going well at home! It sounds and looks like the party was fun! I am sad I missed it...but I will be there in a couple years!!! I am excited to start the 12 days of Christmas tomorrow! I get to meet my new companion tonight so next week I will tell you all about her! You are all in my prayers!!! I love you all so much!! Have a great week!!!

Love, Sister Kaitlyn Marchant!

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