Monday, January 2, 2012

Last E-mail from The MTC

You probably weren't expecting this, but in case I don't get to call you tomorrow I wanted to tell you about this week. On Tuesday after I wrote to you we went to the temple and it was an amazing experience. There is nothing like going to the temple as a missionary. But then we had our Tuesday Devotional! Guess who the speaker was!!! Elder M. Russell Ballard! It was such an amazing fireside!!! He and his wife both spoke to us and basically their message was to not worry about yourself. When you get down and discouraged, just remember that the Savior has been through everything you have and more. He told us to always keep a picture of the Savior with us so we can look at it and always remember. So our sweet Branch President's wife got all of us a picture of Christ. It is a nice reminder to always have that with me! On Wed. we taught Brigitta again and she said she would pray and read the Book of Mormon and think about coming back to church. This week Sis Hutchinson and I learned the power of music in our lessons. In almost every one of our lessons this week we sang our investigators a hymn and it really brought the spirit. It was amazing! I don't have my schedule to look at with me so I am just trying to remember everything we did. But also this week we taught Hely again. She comitted to being baptized!!! She is such a sweet person and I really thought of her as a real investigator. This week we also taught our investigators Matt and Annika. Things are moving along with them as well. Annika set a date to be baptized and Matt is about ready to as well. We teach him for the last time tonight. But really that is how most of my days were this week. On Friday we had In-Field Orientation. It was basically classes/workshops from 8:30am - 9:30pm. But it realy was helpful. They were all taught by the missionaries that were in those District movies we watched before I left. So it was interesting. We learned a lot about things that will apply for when we get to the field. It was an extremely long day, but it was good. Sat was just a normal missionary day of teaching and class. Oh but we got new sisters with the new district in our zone this week! They are all cute and will be good missionaries. But Sunday was an AMAZING day!!! I have never been so spiritually fed! We started off with Music and the Spoken Word which always brings the spirit. Then that led into Relief Society. I don't remember who the speaker was, but she was great and she talked about being cheerful. Later that afternoon we had District Meeting which is always so good! My district is so amazing and I am going to miss them all so much! They will all be such great missionaries! But then we headed up to the temple for our Sunday Walk. We didn't go all the way to the temple because Elder Mortensen is on crutches. So it is a long way up a big hill for him. He has to go home for 6 weeks tomorrow when everyone goes out to the field. It will be hard but he knows it is for a reason. Then we had Sacrament. I didn't have to give my talk, but I was prepared. The topic was repentance. But my district did sing the musical number. We sang "I Believe In Christ". That song is so powerful and a great testimony of Christ. After that we had our Departing Devotional where the MTC presidency spoke to us and gave us som advice of how to be successful and what we can expect the first few days. And that led into the Sunday Fireside. The speaker was a District President from the MTC and his wife. Both of their talks were excellent! My miracle of the day was that EVERY talk that I heard yesterday was meant exactly for me! It was everything that I needed to hear. Instead of watching the movies last night we headed back to our rooms to begin packing because we are given very limited time to pack today. But that was the basic overview of my week. If I left out anything important I will let you know! But I leave for Canada tomorrow!! I can't even believe it! I am really scared/nervous/excited!!! We have to leave the MTC at 4 am so we will be awake around 3...not my idea of fun. But then my flight is at like 7:10 I think, so if I have time to call you I will! It will be early so sorry for that. I know that this is what I am supposed to be doing and I am grateful for the oppportunity I have to do it! I love you all and I am so grateful for all of the love and support you have given to me!! I know Christ lives and that He is there for us whenever we need him! This gospel is true!! I am so grateful I get to share the happiness I feel with others!! I Love you!!

Sister Marchant

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