Monday, January 2, 2012

O Canada

This is the car I get to drive.

My first companion Sister Hill

II'm heading to Canada!

Hi everyone!! Can you actually believe that I am in Canada?? I really can't to be absolutely honest. In fact I still don't feel like I am in Canada because the part I am in reminds me so much of Utah. My first area is Okotoks. We cover 2 wards which are the Crystalridge and DeWinton wards. It is fun. But let me tell you about my week from the beginning. On Tuesday, we woke up at 3 AM and got ready to leave for Salt Lake at 4. I think I slept maybe 30 min all night long. When we got to the airport and got through security we were able to call so that was so great to talk to you!! We didn't have to wait long at any of the airports we were in, but cool the SLC airport while we were waiting for our flight we were talking to these 2 men. They were from back East somewhere and had just come to SLC to go to temple square and see the Mormon Tabernacle choir. They weren't LDS so we talked to them and gave them pass along cards. When we boarded our flight they were sitting right next to us so we were able to talk to them even more. It was really cool. We at least planted 2 seeds. When we got to Canada it took forever for us to get through immigration and everything, but President Archibald, his wife, and the AP's were waiting for us. They took us to the mission home and fed us and gave us a little bit of training. Later that night we had dinner and then had our welcoming fireside where we met our trainer and got to know where we are serving. My companion is Sister Hill. She is from Las Vegas and she is great!! She is going home after this transfer though, so I will get another trainer because now we have a 12 week training program that tells us what we need to do every week. We were so exhausted that night and I don't think I have ever slept better in my life. On Wed we went with our companions to our new areas. Like I said I am in Okotoks and it is a lot like Utah. We cover some of the city and also some acreges out in the boonies. It is really nice. We live with a member. Technically she is considered Less Active, but her name is Sister Landry and she is really nice. On Wed we also picked up some groceries and tried to visit some people in the ward, but didn't have any success. We had dinner with Sister Crowfoot that night. Her and her son are the models for the 2000 stipling warrior picture of the mother and son. She is really nice. Then on Thurs we had a few hours of planning and study before we went to visit some people and try a little bit of tracting. Mostly we try to work with members to get us referrals. In 80% of our lessons with members we are supposed to 7 day challenge them which means within 7 days they need to find someone for us to teach in their home. On Fri we went to the library to shelve books. We do that for service so that we can email for free. We do that every Wed and Fri. It really is kind of fun. We had lunch with a Recent Conver(RC) Haley and she is really cute and her kids are really cute too! We read a lot of the special Book of Mormon Ensign with her. That night we were a few min early for dinner so we decided to knock on some door. Sister Hill asked me if I would do one so I did. On my first door we met a girl Lindsey. She is 16 and we gave her a BOM to read and set an appt to see her on Sun, she later called and told us she couldn't get a hold of her mom so we rescheduled for Wed. I will totally let you know how that goes!! But it was so great to have success at my first door!! On Sat. we went to Calgary to help with the Calgary food drive. I have never seen so much food! They have been in Guiness World Records for collecting the most food in one day. Just at the place I was we had over 50 huge crates of food. It was cool to be apart of that. We did a little bit of talking to people and stuff that afternoon. That night we went back to Calgary for the RS Broadcast. Sister Landry took us with her! It was so great!! President Uchtdorf's talk was AMAZING! I loved every word. Yesterday was Sunday and it was great! We go to both of our wards so we are at church from 9-2. It was fast Sunday, so of course they asked me to bear my testimony in both wards. It was good though. We tried to knock on some doors that afternoon and visit some people, but we didn't have any luck. That evening we had dinner with the Grigor family. They are great! She sent you a picture of us! Their daughter is serving in Ogden. Right now she is in Washington Terrace. A lot of people here have children serving in Ogden and another just got home a few weeks ago. We taught a lesson to Sister Landry that night and it was good. Today is p-day!! We get to go shopping and stuff and then we will do something later with the Elders in our district. I will let you know more about that later! But overall it was a pretty good first week as a missionary!! To answer some of your questions, I will get to watch all of conference at some church somewhere, but I won't get a copy of that if you want to send me one when it comes out that would be very much appreciated!! I have used my America First card to pay for my luggage at the airport and then I will buy some coats and stuff today probably so watch for that. And also I still don't get tanners email, so will you please add me to the list!! that would be great! Why did you let the turtle go? It was pretty cool! I love and miss you all a ton!! Have a great week!!

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