Monday, January 2, 2012

Big Rock and Michelle's Baptism

Michelle's baptism :)

Big Rock

Me and Sister Hill at Big Rock

Big Rock in Okotoks

Hey family!! How are you all?? Life in Canada is pretty great still. Surprisingly it hasn't been to extremely cold yet...we actually had some really nice days this week...but everyone keeps saying the snow is coming soon! That does not excite Tanner 75 is NOT cold that is like heaven! Anyways I had a great week so let me tell you all about it!! Last monday for pday we had lots of stuff to do. Sister Hill got a haircut and I got my hair trimmed. Then we did some shopping and I got a few suit coats because I have to wear one like every other day and wearing the same one got boring. Then we met up with the Elders and we went to "Big Rock" that is what Okotoks means in some language...but guess what, it wasn't very big. But it was still fun. That evening we had a lesson with Michelle and she totally decided to be baptized!!! I was so happy! Tuesday we tracted a little bit and had a lesson with Sara D. We taught and committed her to live the Word of Wisdom. As we visited other potential investigators we talked to a few of them. We taught one of them, Colin, in his driveway but then when we got about half way through the first lesson life happened and it was crazy so we told him we would come back. We taught Sis Landry that evening. On Wednesday we had to go to the library and then we had a lesson with Freda. She is our 80 yr old investigator and I finally met her and taught her. Sis Adams came with us and was happy that she was finally home. Sis Hill said she was a completely different person because she actually said she would think about being baptized and that she would maybe come to church in the future. So that is exciting. We will teach her again this week. We had to clean and wax our car that afternoon for car inspections. That night we had dinner with Haley and it was good. I love her so much too! She is so great! That night we met with Michelle and went over the baptismal interview questions with her. Thursday was planning day, but we had to do it super fast, because we had to finish cleaning our car a little bit and then we had to go to car inspections and interviews with President. It was good and we got some training. But I got mail that day and I got the treats and lotion you sent me!! Thanks so much for that! I loved it! When we got home Sis Landry ordered pizza for us for dinner because our dinner appt canceled on us. She is so great. She also came to our lesson with Michelle that night. We had to teach her the last few commandments so she was all ready to be baptized. After that we went to a RS activity for the DeWinton ward and they were talking about fast and easy meals. It was pretty good, and we met a few new people which was nice. That day marked my 1 month anniversary in Canada. Can you believe it?? I honestly can't! But it has been great! On Friday we had the library and then we practiced a musical number that Sis Hill and I sang at the baptism with a lady in the ward. After that we tracted a little bit and I officially got a door slammed in my face for the first time. All we said was Hi. But oh well. We had a few appt with members and did a little more tracting before Michelle had her baptismal interview. She of course passed with flying colors!! She is so great! We had a dinner appt and then Michelle called us and she was freaking out!! We were nervous so we went to her house and helped her calm down and talked things out with her. By the time we left she felt better and was ready to be baptized the next day. Saturday was Baptism day!! Yay! Michelle's baptism was AMAZING!! Seriously convert baptisms are amazing. She was so happy. We sang 'My Soul Hungered' at the baptism and it was so good. The whole thing was just great! Seriously it was like Christmas, and you know how much I love Christmas! I also got my coat that you sent me!! Thank you so much!! And thanks for the headband too! I was so excited! That evening there was a ward activity and it was a family dance. We went for a minute, but they were playing worldly music and it was soo weird. I haven't listened to anything but church music for almost 2 months and it was weird. So we left and we visited some people and set up appts to see them this week. We have a lot of appts set up for this week so it will be nice and busy. Sunday was obviously church and Michelle was confirmed. She was 10 min late to church and we were freaking out a little bit. But she made it just in time and it was great! We watched the Joseph Smith Movie with Sis Landry that afternoon and then we had a lesson with a LA family. We got to know them and they agreed to let us come and teach them the lessons. That was exciting. So that was basically my week. It was a pretty good one if I do say so myself. Just an FYI next week is transfers so our p-day will be on tues. So don't freak out when you don't get an email on Mon. It is Sister Hill's last week and that is sad! But it also leaves us in a pickle. There are only 4 sisters that aren't training a new sister right now and there are 4 coming next I will be without a trainer...because the training program is 12 weeks...and there aren't enough sisters to train. Sister Hill is convinced that I will be training and that freaks me out a lot. But we will find out this week. Sounds like everything is good at home! Way to go Sage in your basketball game! Keep up the good work! I am glad you were able to go fishing...I didn't miss going on that little trip though. That is so nice of you to do that for Sis Grigor! I haven't seen her for a few days. But I am sure she didn't care it was a day late! At least she got her cake! Well I hope you all have a great week! I miss you and I love you all a whole bunch!!Love, Sister Marchant

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